Chances and limitations
绝对开关 - 准确可靠的压力检测
差动开关 - 准确可靠的压力检测
与环境的差值 - 真空系统的安全开关
便携式 Extrima 检漏仪是具有内在安全性的终极仪器,可检测最恶劣环境下的泄漏情况,包括 Zone 0(与 Division 1对应)等危险位置
Sensistor XRS9012 氢气检漏仪是一款快速、可靠且功能强大的检测仪器,可用于公用事业相关行业的泄漏检测,如正压通信电缆、供水管网、户内供热系统以及发电机组氢冷系统。
INFICON UL6000 氦气检漏仪旨在满足最为苛刻的泄漏检测应用的要求。UL6000 采用经过领域验证的真空设计,内置 INFICON 专利软件算法 I-CAL 和 Hydro-S,可以为测试提供灵活性和高灵敏度以及快速、精确的测试结果,确保任何泄漏检测应用均可快速、轻松地完成。
HAPSITE CDT 为军事、民用和危险响应团队提供了多功能性,可在现场识别和量化麻醉品、化学战剂 (CWA)、第四代毒剂 (FGA)、爆炸物和有毒工业化学品威胁,以快速开展关键健康风险评估。
INFICON UL1000 Fab 氦气检漏仪是工业或半导体环境中经济型氦气真空泄漏检测的公认标准
唯一一款可鉴别 VOC 和 SVOC 的便携式 气质GC/MS
模块化检漏仪,结构紧凑 性能卓越
Micro GC Fusion采用了基于网络的用户界面,与传统的软件相比有几个新的优点。每台仪器都内置了免许可的软件,因此不需要安装。
基于 GC 的系统 CMS5000 能够自动提取水中的 VOC 样品,量化污染物水平,如果超过阈值将自动提醒用户。
INFICON 晶体 100% 通过精度和可靠性测试
INFICON Augent® 光学等离子体真空计是一种紧凑、智能的真空监测解决方案。
Most advanced digital Pirani technology, compact size and the variety of features.
INFICON 皮拉尼测量仪加强型 300 (PGE300) 像比它更大的 brotherP GE500 一样配备了市场上最新的数字对流增强型皮拉尼技术。
INFICON 皮拉尼仪表增强型 500 (PGE500) 采用了市场上最新的数字对流增强型皮拉尼技术。
CIGS 薄膜的理想之选
STM-2 将 USB 连接的简单与精密测量引擎的精度相结合,在一个结构紧凑、价格便宜的封装内实现所有功能。STM-2 小巧、简单,方便安装和操作。
INFICON 前装式单晶体传感器拥有经实践检验的可靠性和耐用性,提供超越当前市场上的任何传感器头的最佳热稳定性。
INFICON 前装式双晶体传感器拥有经实践检验的可靠性和耐用性,提供超越当前市场上的任何传感器头的最佳热稳定性。
INFICON UHV 可烘烤晶体传感器拥有经实践检验的可靠性和耐用性,提供超越当前市场上的任何传感器头的最佳热稳定性。
INFICON ALD 传感器将石英晶体微天平(QCM)测量的可重复性、精确性和耐用性带入原子层沉积 (ALD)。
INFICON 溅射传感器专为各种溅射过程而设计。
NFICON CrystalSix 晶体对于要求连续监控速率的长时间过程非常重要。
INFICON Bayard-Alpert 被动真空计头 BAG050、BAG051、BAG052 和 BAG053 设计用于 INFICON 真空计控制器 VGC083A 和 VGC083B
连接到INFICON CDG产品系列,提供一个4位数的显示器
Why you cannot find relevant leaks
How to increase efficiency
Integration and data exchange with a higher-level control system via interfaces
How does this relate to your leak testing requirements
Reliable sensors for safe driving
An evolving market and leak testing standards
Unique new method for reliable and safe batteries
Basic knowledge explained easy and practice-oriented
How to determine and ensure the permissible leak tightness of your product
Intelligent solution for real-time vacuum gas monitoring
INFICON 皮拉尼真强型(PGE) DeviceNet 版本配备了市场上最新的数字对流增强型 Pirani 技术。
INFICON 皮拉尼电容膜片式测量仪 (PCG55x) 将 INFICON 皮拉尼技术与陶瓷电容膜片传感器的优点结合在单一产品中。
新型 INFICON Pirani Piezo 组合仪表 (PPG550) 基于目前最先进的 MEMS(微机电系统)传感器技术。
新型 INFICON Pirani 压电组合真空计 (PPG570) 基于现有最先进的 MEMS(微机电系统)传感器技术,该技术也用于我们的 PPG550 "ATM 至中真空 "真空计。
INFICON 单 Bayard-Alpert 热电离真空计 BAG402 涵盖从 5×10-10 mbar 至 2.7×10-2 mbar(3.75×10-10 Torr 至 5×10-2 Torr)的广泛测量范围
INFICON 单 Bayard-Alpert 热电离真空计 BAG302 涵盖从 1.3 × 10-9 至 6.7 × 10-2 mbar(1 × 10-9 至 5 × 10-2 Torr)的广泛测量范围。
INFICON Bayard-Alpert 皮拉尼复合真空计 BPG400 将 Bayard-Alpert 和皮拉尼两种真空计的功能融合入单个紧凑型装置中,测量范围为 5×10-10 mbar至大气压(3.8×10-10 Torr 至大气压)。
允许Transpector CPM成为一个移动的故障诊断仪器
INFICON Bayard-Alpert 皮拉尼复合真空计 BPG402-S 将 Bayard-Alpert 和皮拉尼两种真空计的功能融合入单个紧凑型装置中,测量范围为 5×10-10 mbar至大气压(3.8×10-10 Torr 至大气压)。
INFICON Bayard-Alpert Pirani 电容式隔膜真空计 (Triple-Gauge™) BCG450 将三大不同技术的优势融合在一个体积小、价格低的规管中,可以测量从 5×10-10 至 1500 mbar(3.75×10-10 至 1125 Torr)的过程压力和基本压。
INFICON 高压热电离 Pirani真空计 HPG400 将高压热电离技术与 Pirani 传感器整合在一个体积小、价格低的规管中,可测量 2×10-6 mbar 至大气气压(1.5×10-6 Torr 至大气气压)范围内的压力。
INFICON Gemini® 倒置磁控管真空计是所有真空测量应用(专利申请中)的动力源泉。
INFICON 倒泵控管 Pirani 真空计 MPG400 和 MPG401 测量范围为 5 x 10-9 mbar 至大气压力(3.8 x 10-9 Torr 至大气压力)
所有 HAPSITE 化学识别系统型号的支持功能
痕量级定量 VOC 分析
现场土壤和水质分析,水、废水、土壤和固体废物中 VOC 的决策质量数据
INFICON Crystal 12 传感器与INFICON IC6 薄膜沉积控制器结合使用时,可自动更换其晶体,而无需中断过程。
INFICON 提供各种石英晶体监测仪 (QCM) 传感器馈入件,以适应多种 QCM 传感器和腔室配置。CF40 (2.75 in. ConFlat®) 和 2.54 cm (1 in.) 螺栓式馈入件提供电气连接、水冷却和空气管的各种组合。
INFICON 提供各种石英晶体监测仪 (QCM) 传感器馈入件,以适应经济型传感器。
Hydrogen has significant potential to help decarbonize our economy and to become the fuel of the future. INFICON has world-leading expertise to help make this vision a reality.
Every second counts in the semiconductor industry and large-volume production lines. The new UL6000 Fab PLUS reduces downtimes and gives faster leak test results.
Easy with the new Sentrac Leak Detector
In this webinar we will discuss some common applications in the optical, OLED, and solar industry. We will unpack a list of unique key features exclusively offered by INFICON that are tailored to your application
Our new Gas Analyzer. Product introduction, availability, successful implementations of pre-production systems
在 IRwin® 甲烷检漏仪的帮助下
Foodpackaging, minimize risk of product recalls, ensure taste preservation, optimize shelf life of packaged products
Technical consideration of a test leak, test leak applications, Certifications
Easy and efficient hydrogen sniffing leak testing
利用 IRwin 及其附件大幅减少钢筋孔数量
A multitool for safety leak check on city gas distribution pipes systems.
VGC094 是用于真空过程测量、控制和数据记录的著名解决方案。
离子参考计控制器 IRC081 及其用户界面是标准化离子参考计 IRG080 的操作和显示界面。
用于 PGE050 的单通道控制器
通过 EX 认证的安全泄漏检测仪器
用于 VGC094 和 VGC083C 的冷阴极无源测量头
与 Micro GC Fusion
IRwin Check-In App
Factory Scheduler 利用先进的启发式、线性规划、优化和智能搜索算法生成实时优化计划,可轻松调整以满足您的生产需求。
A Basic Guide to Capacitive Vacuum Gauges
QCM use in the semiconductor industry for processes like ALD, E-beam, resistive source and sputtering.
Maximize Efficiency in full automated battery mass production
用于 VGC083 和 VGC031 的对流增强型被动皮拉尼计
用于 VGC083 的微型热离子巴亚尔-阿尔伯特无源测量头
HAPSITE CDT provides versatility for military, civilian and hazardous response teams to identify and quantify narcotics, Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA), Fourth Generation Agents (FGA), explosives and toxic industrial chemical threats on-site to develop critical health risk assessments, quickly. The new handheld cartridge-based sampling system allows users to carry lighter equipment, quickly deploy and get multiple samples analyzed onsite. This webinar reviews air sampling using the HAPSITE CDT.
Quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) technology has been used for decades to control deposition rate and thickness for the most complex processes seen in the ophthalmic, optical, display, and solar markets. INFICON has recently made a new advancement in QCM technology to address a problem seen across all of these industries related to QCM temperature effects. Thermal shock can cause QCM thickness errors which can decrease yield and increase manufacturing costs if temperature is not accounted for correctly.
Temperature impacts the frequency measurement and can create false mass readings. Thin film deposition controllers currently on the market have no good way of distinguishing frequency shifts related to mass from frequency shifts related to temperature, resulting in thickness errors and poor PID control. This can be detrimental to complex coating processes due to the low deposition rates and incredibly thin layers required. Thermal shocks can occur at any point in a deposition process and can cause unnecessary PID-loop corrections, triggering non-uniform deposition in respect to time. This means that the quality throughout the bulk of the material is inadequate. For very thin films, the thickness termination may not be at the real intended thickness because the process time window is small compared to the time allowed for a QCM to recover from a thermal shock event.
INFICON has patented a new temperature compensation technique for SC-cut crystals to remove the effects of temperature variation on the QCM without the need for additional hardware or custom and expensive sensors.
Please join us for the ‘Temperature Compensation for QCMs’ webinar, hosted by Sheldon Wayman, Product Engineer for INFICON Inc.
了解 IRwin 最新更新如何增强渗漏调查功能
用于 IM540 的热阴极电离无源测量头
EtherCAT 和 PROFINET 接口介绍
Smart essentials for intelligent leak detection
IRwin 的 CGI 功能
A new future proof Hot Ion Gauge generation from INFICON
真空計頭 MAG084 是獨特的抗磁場倒置磁控管冷陰極真空計,專為搭配真空計控制器 VGC094 使用而設計。
Understand how Pirani technology works
使用 Micro GC Fusion® 监测管道质量天然气中的氢气。这款结构紧凑的气相色谱仪使用氦气和氩气确保精确的燃料成分分析和最佳的氢气检测,从而获得准确的结果。
CrystalSix and Crystal 12 are rotary Quartz Crystal Monitors utilized in OLED, Solar and Semiconductor applications, to name a few. QCMs like these also sometimes require user troubleshooting and maintenance to ensure good connectivity as well as crystal positioning within the aperture. During this webinar you will learn about the CrystalSix and Crystal12 and best practices to troubleshoot and maintain them.
Most people, when asked, cite equipment downtime as a top contributor to cycle time in their wafer fabs. Downtime impacts cycle time by taking away buffer capacity (driving tools to a steeper part of the operating curve), increasing process time variability (because lots must wait during downtime events), and reducing the available number of qualified tools during a given day or shift. Understanding these effects suggests specific metrics that are helpful for driving cycle time improvement and other metrics that are less useful. In this webinar, Dr. Jennifer Robinson, Cycle Time Evangelist for INFICON, will teach participants to select the best downtime metrics and operating practices for cycle time improvement. The session will include chart examples from the FabTime® reporting module.