
Guardian™ EIES 控制器

Simultaneous Deposition of Up to Eight Materials



CIGS 薄膜的理想之选

Guardian 可将沉积速度控制在 0.1 到 10,000 Å/s 范围内。它可以操作一个或两个传感器,最多 8 个光输入,并控制最多 8 个沉积源,因此能够同时沉积最多 8 种材料。

INFICON Guardian 是光伏模块、有机发光二极管、光伏、超导薄膜以及分子束外延制造等应用的理想之选。

Guardian Codeposition 系统基于电子碰撞发射光谱 (EIES)。利用 EIES,要沉积的材料在热离子发射体的作用下生热,从而产生光子。产生的光通过光滤波器达到光电倍增管 (PMT) 检测器,光电倍增管检测器可以测量所通过波长的发射强度。然后,INFICON Guardian 控制器产生信号来控制该材料源。配备了合适滤光器的其他检测仪可用于多种材料。

一套完整的 Guardian 系统至少包括一个传感器、一个 PMT 检测仪、一个滤光器、一个 Guardian 控制器单元以及一台安装了 Guardian 软件的电脑(由用户提供)。EIES 通常用于控制多种材料的沉积,因此,大多数 EIES 系统还包括其他传感器、检测器、光学器件(例如分裂器)以及 QCM,QCM 用于校准或控制某些材料的沉积速率。如需关于典型系统的更多信息,请参阅下面的 Downloads(下载)选项卡中的《Guardian 配置指南》。

要配置 Guardian 共沉积系统,需要考虑以下几点




对于特定发射光谱的原子种类,EIES 最为有效。分子种类产生的发射光谱不稳定或者过宽,无法准确测量。不建议将 EIES 用于有机材料。各个具体应用的最佳 EIES 系统配置由以上因素及其他因素确定。


  • 监控和控制多达 8 种材料的同时沉积过程
  • 从 0.1 至 10,000 Å/s 的沉积速率
  • 集成式 EIES 和 QCM 薄膜过程控制
  • 12 个继电器输出和 12 个数字输入
  • 用于设置与操作的基于 Windows 的软件
  • 与 INFICON Sentinel® 传感器兼容


工作压力<5x10-4 Torr
温度450° C maximum during operation and/or bakeout
控制输出Eight source control outputs, 0 to ±10 VDC programmable
用户自备计算机:Any PC with Windows® Vista/XP/2000/7/8/10 operating system, and Ethernet or RS-232 interface


Part NumberDescription
782-900-031Guardian Controller for one sensor (standard or gas compensating)
782-900-050Guardian Controller for two sensors (standard or gas compensating)


Spare Parts
Part NumberDescription
EIES Sensors 
016-600-G22Guardian Standard Single Sensor and Feedthrough Assembly, 22 in. (539 mm), CF40 Flange
016-601-G22Guardian Gas Compensating Sensor and Feedthrough Assembly, 22 in. (539 mm), CF40 Flange
Beam SplittersFiber Optic Beam Splitters split the beam of light from the sensor to allow measurement of multiple materials per EIES sensor.
782-900-034Guardian Fiber Optic Beam Splitter (1:3) - 400 mm length
782-900-034-x-yyyGuardian Fiber Optic Beam Spliter (1:x) - yyy mm length
Filament CablesConnects the EIES sensor to the Guardian controller
600-1406-P10Guardian Single Filament cable, 10 ft. (3 m) - For standard EIES sensor
600-1406-P40Guardian Single Filament cable, 40 ft. (12 m) - For standard EIES sensor
600-1407-P10Guardian Dual Filament cable, 10 ft. (3m) - For gas compensating EIES sensor
600-1407-P40Guardian Dual Filament cable, 40 ft. (12 m) - For gas compensating EIES sensor
PMT Detector 
782-900-030Guardian PMT Detector
PMT Detector CablesConnects the PMT Detector to the Guardian controller
782-505-065Guardian Detector cable 10 ft. (3 m)
782-505-065-40Guardian Detector cable, 40 ft. (12 m)
Optical FiltersSelect the wavelength appropriate for your material
782-900-035-202Optical filter - 202nm, BP10nm (Zn)
782-900-035-241Optical Filter - 241nm, BP10nm (Co, Au)
782-900-035-252Optical Filter - 252nm, BP10nm, (Si)
782-900-035-265Optical Filter - 265nm, BP10nm, (Ge, Pt, Ta, Ir)
782-900-035-267Optical Filter, 267 nm, Guardian
782-900-035-294Optical Filter 294nm, BP2nm, (Hf) (Ga [when using a gas compensating sensor])
782-900-035-304Optical Filter 304nm, BP2nm (Ba, In [when using a gas compensation sensor])
782-900-035-325Optical Filter - 325nm, BP10nm (Cu, Cd)
782-900-035-358Optical Filter - 358nm, BP10nm, (Nb, U, Cr)
782-900-035-364Optical Filter - 364nm, BP10nm (Ti, Pb)
782-900-035-396Optical Filter - 396nm, BP10nm, (Al)
782-900-035-417Optical Filter - 417nm, BP2nm, (Ga)
782-900-035-451Optical Filter - 451nm, BP5nm, (In)
Part NumberDescription
016-201-G1Emitter assembly for all 016-400-Gx sensors used in 016-600-Gxx and -601-Gxx
782-900-038Guardian Photomultiplier Tube Replacement
016-509-G22Guardian Sensor EIES In-vacuum Cable, 22 in. (559 mm), other lengths available
782-530-015Guardian Sensor Filament Replacement (for discontinued 782-900-029 and -052 sensors)