
QCM 传感器馈入件


INFICON 提供各种石英晶体监测仪 (QCM) 传感器馈入件,以适应多种 QCM 传感器和腔室配置。CF40 (2.75 in. ConFlat®) 和 2.54 cm (1 in.) 螺栓式馈入件提供电气连接、水冷却和空气管的各种组合。INFICON 馈入件还配备了 Ultra-Torr O 形密封圈压缩接头,用于轻松安装和传感器长度调整。根据要求可提供其他馈入件款式(KF40 等),因此请联系 INFICON 提出您的馈入件需求。

除非另行说明,否则典型的馈入件电气连接包含一个同轴 BNC 连接器(大气端)和一个 Microdot® 连接器(真空端)。此款式的电气连接旨在与真空电缆传感器(例如 INFICON 前装式单传感器前装式双传感器溅射传感器CrystalSixCrystal 12 传感器配合使用。

备注:水和空气馈入管的外径为 4.8 mm (3/16 in.)。

Sensor Type


 RequirementsPart Number
Sensor TypeNumber of Coax Number of TubesCF40                CF40 with Ultra-Torr2.54 cm (1 in.) Bolt2.54  cm (1 in.) Bolt with Ultra-Torr
Single with Shutter13750-685-G1750-685-G2750-030-G1Contact Factory
Dual23002-080206-890-G2750-707-G1Contact Factory
CrystallSix or 
Crystall 12
13750-685-G1750-685-G1750-030-G1Contact Factory

CrystallSix or 
Crystall 12 

with shutter

14750-683-G1N/AContact FactoryN/A


  • 提供 2.54 厘米(1 英寸)螺栓或 CF40(2.75 英寸 ConFlat®)款式
  • 可用的 Ultra-Torr O 形密封圈压缩接头
  • 提供自定义馈入件配置
  • 根据要求可提供其他馈入件款式


Part NumberDescription
2.54 cm (1 in.) Bolt Feedthroughs(Includes VITON® O-ring)
002-0421 in. Bolt Feedthrough, 1 Coax, 2 Tubes
750-030-G11 in. Bolt Feedthrough, 1 Coax, 3 Tubes
750-707-G11 in. Bolt Feedthrough, 2 Coax, 3 Tubes
750-624-G11 in. Bolt Feedthrough, 1 Coax, 2 Tubes
783-501-0131 in. Bolt Feedthrough, 1 Coax, 2 Tubes, Ultra-Torr O-ring compression fittings
CF40 (2.75 in. ConFlat) Feedthroughs(Includes copper gasket)
002-043CF40 Feedthrough, 1 Coax, 2 Tubes
750-685-G1CF40 Feedthrough, 1 Coax,3 Tubes
002-080CF40 Feedthrough, 2 Coax, 3 Tubes
750-683-G1CF40 Feedthrough, 1 Coax, 4 Tubes
206-878-G2CF40 Feedthrough, 1 Coax, 2 Tubes, Ultra-Torr O-ring compression fittings
750-685-G2CF40 Feedthrough, 1 Coax, 3 Tubes, Ultra-Torr O-ring compression fittings
206-890-G2CF40 Feedthrough, 2 Coax, 3 Tubes, Ultra-Torr O-ring compression fittings
KF40 Feedthroughs(Does not include centering ring or clamp)
130246KF40 Feedthrough, 1 Coax, 2 Tubes
130239KF40 Feedthrough, 1 Coax, 3 Tubes


Spare Parts
Clamping Ring with Wing NutClamping Ring with Wing Nut
Part NumberDescription
002-064Quad Ring Gasket, VITON®, CF40
012-328Gasket, Copper, CF40
070-0237O-ring, VITON®, 2.54 cm (1 in.) bolt
211-003Clamping ring DN 32-40 ISO-KF
211-070Centering ring DN 40 ISO-KF,SS/FPM