

Advanced, Affordable Rate Control for Single or Multiple Layers



现在,您可以在单层和多层工艺的薄膜沉积控制器中获得所需的一切。XTC/3 带有专利 ModeLock,提供跳模预防功能,确保获得始终如一的质量。通过 XTC/3 薄膜沉积控制器,您可以极其准确地控制沉积速度和厚度,能够达到几乎任何层数,安装轻松且可靠性极高,从而确保生产效率。

薄膜沉积控制领域的全球领头羊 INFICON,现在提供了一种拥有成本极低的仪表,为您带来前所未有的价值。

无论您的控制需要属于生产还是研发领域,都能从 INFICON XTC/3 中找到完美的解决方案。


无论您身在何处,都能获得快速的疑难解答和周到的服务,确保正常运行时间最大化。INFICON 是唯一一家在全球设有本地服务与技术支持中心的薄膜沉积控制器制造商,其办事处遍布全球。


  • 提供有单层和多层型号
  • 专利 ModeLock 技术可避免跳模引起的薄膜厚度误差
  • 支持 INFICON Crystal 12®、Crystal Six® 及双传感器自动晶体转换,从而最大化生产力
  • XTC/3M 多层型号最多支持 99 个过程、999 层薄膜、32 种薄膜材料、2 个传感器和两种源
  • XTC/3S 单层型号最多支持 9 种薄膜、2 个传感器和两种源
  • 易于阅读的 TFT LCD 图形显示器
  • 可以为薄膜和过程分配唯一的描述性名称,以便于检索
  • 提供以太网连接
  • 独立式(不需要计算机)或便于 PC 操作的可选 Windows® 软件
  • 插拔式替换 INFICON XTC/2 控制器(受限于 XTC/2 功能和命令集)


  • 高端光学镀膜


测量频率范围6.0 to 5.0 MHz (fixed)
厚度和速率分辨率/测量 (1)±0.034 Å
(1) 工具/密度 = 100/1,基础频率 = 6 兆赫兹
测量频率范围6.0 to 5.0 MHz (fixed)
厚度和速率分辨率/测量 (1)±0.034 Å
(1) 工具/密度 = 100/1,基础频率 = 6 兆赫兹


Accessories and Replacement Parts
Front Load Single SensorFront Load Single Sensor
Front Load Dual SensorFront Load Dual Sensor
Cool Drawer Single SensorCool Drawer Single Sensor
Cool Drawer Dual SensorCool Drawer Dual Sensor
Easy Rate Single SensorEasy Rate Single Sensor
Easy Rate Dual SensorEasy Rate Dual Sensor
ALD SensorUHV Bakeable Sensor
UHV Bakeable SensorSputtering Sensor
Sputtering SensorCrystalSix® Sensor
CrystalSix® SensorCrystal 12® Sensor
Crystal 12® SensorRSH-600 Rotary Sensor
Part NumberDescription
755-262-G1Handheld Power Controller (for manual power control)
780-702-G1One unit rack mount kit - Provides all required materials to mount one XTC/3 unit in a standard 19 in. rack
780-702-G2Two unit rack mount kit - Provides all required materials to mount two XTC/3 units side by side in a standard 19 in. rack
780-032-G1Editor Software, XTC/3
779-220-G1CrystalTwo® Switch, 15.2 cm (6 in.) BNC Cables
779-220-G2CrystalTwo® Switch, 50.8 cm (20 in.) BNC Cables
Oscillator kits(Includes oscillator and cables)
780-611-G15XIU PKG with 15 ft. (4.6 m) cable - Fore use with XTC/3
780-611-G30XIU PKG with 30 ft. (9.1 m) cable - For use with XTC/3
780-611-G50XIU PKG with 50 ft. (15.2 m) cable - For use with XTC/3
780-611-G100XIU PKG with 100 ft. (30.5 m) cable - For use with XTC/3
780-612-G154m XIU PKG with 15 ft. (4.6 m) XIU cable - Includes 4 m in-vacuum cable and 6 in. BNC (XIU to feedthrough) cable - For use with XTC/3
780-612-G304m XIU PKG with 30 ft. (9.1 m) XIU cable - Includes 4 m in-vacuum cable and 6 in. BNC (XIU to feedthrough) cable - For use with XTC/3
780-612-G504m XIU PKG with 50 ft. (15.2 m) XIU cable - Includes 4 m in-vacuum cable and 6 in. BNC (XIU to feedthrough) cable - For use with XTC/3
780-612-G1004m XIU PKG with 100 ft. (30.5 m) XIU cable - Includes 4 m in-vacuum cable and 6 in. BNC (XIU to feedthrough) cable - For use with XTC/3
780-613-G154m XIU PKG with 15 ft. (4.6 m) XIU cable - Includes 3.5 m in-vacuum cable and 20 in. BNC (XIU to feedthrough) cable - For use with XTC/3
780-613-G304m XIU PKG with 30 ft. (9.1 m) XIU cable - Includes 3.5 m in-vacuum cable and 20 in. BNC (XIU to feedthrough) cable - For use with XTC/3
780-613-G504m XIU PKG with 50 ft. (15.2 m) XIU cable - Includes 3.5 m in-vacuum cable and 20 in. BNC (XIU to feedthrough) cable - For use with XTC/3
780-613-G1004m XIU PKG with 100 ft. (30.5 m) XIU cable - Includes 3.5 m in-vacuum cable and 20 in. BNC (XIU to feedthrough) cable - For use with XTC/3
Oscillator Only(No cables included)
780-600-G1XTC/3 XIU (oscillator) - For XIU to sensor head cable lengths of 6 in. to 72 in. (15 cm to 183 cm)
780-600-G2XTC/3 XIU (oscillator) - For XIU to sensor head cable lengths of 118 in. to 157 in. (3 m to 4 m)
755-257-G615.2 cm (6 in.) BNC cable, XIU to vacuum feedthrough
600-1261-P154.6 m (15 ft.) cable, Cgynus 2, IC6 or XTC/3 controller to XIU
600-1261-P309.1 m (30 ft.) cable, Cygnus 2, IC6 or XTC/3 controller to XIU
600-1261-P5015.2 m (50 ft.) cable, Cygnus 2, IC6 or XTC/3 controller to XIU
600-1261-P10030.5 (100 ft.) cable, Cygnus 2, IC6 or XTC/3 controller to XIU
Quartz Monitor CrystalsQuartz Monitor Crystals