Disclosure of Equity Participations pursuant to the Swiss Stock Exchange Act

Syracuse, New York/Zurich, Switzerland - October 14, 2005+ INFICON Holding AG (SWX Swiss Exchange: IFCN), a leading manufacturer of vacuum instrumentation and process control software for the semiconductor and related industries and other industrial applications, today announced that according to a notification received from Unaxis Holding AG, Pfäffikon/Switzerland, the equity participation of Unaxis Holding AG in INFICON Holding AG as of October 12, 2005 is 1,675 shares with a par value of CHF 10 each, representing 0.07% of the of the voting rights in INFICON Holding AG.

As of October 14, 2005 Unaxis Holding AG holds 11,650,500 call options. When exercised, these options represent 388,350 voting rights or 16.67% of the voting rights in INFICON Holding AG.