Privacy Policy IRwin Check-In and IRwin Viewer

INFICON (“we” or “us”) welcomes your visit to our website (the “Site”) and/or our mobile applications (the “App”) and your interest in our Company and our products and services. We take the protection of your personal data seriously, and we would like you to feel secure during your visit to our Site and our App. The protection of your privacy during the processing of personal data is a key concern for us, which we consider in our business processes.

We process personal data which is collected during a user’s visit to our Site or our App in accordance with the privacy and data protection regulations of the country in which the site responsible for the data processing is located. The name and contact details of the data controller (hereafter referred to as "INFICON") can be found at the end of this document.

INFICON’s website and apps may contain links to the websites and apps of other providers, which are not covered by this Privacy Policy. When you link to other websites and apps from our Site or our App, INFICON’s privacy practices no longer apply, and we do not warrant, represent or assume any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, security, completeness or operation of any linked site or any site contained in a linked site.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you about the types of information we might collect about you when you visit our Site or our App, how we may use that information and whether we disclose that information to anyone. By using our Site or our App, you acknowledge and agree to be bound to the terms hereof. Periodically, we may update this Privacy Policy and encourage you to check this section for any changes.


1. Terms of Use

The contents of our Site and our App are provided by INFICON solely for personal and non-commercial purposes. The use of the INFICON Site and App for public and commercial purposes (including but not limited to usage on another website or in a computer network) is strictly prohibited.

As a service provider, INFICON is responsible for its own content on the INFICON websites according to the general laws in accordance with § 7 (1) of the German Telemedia Act (TMG). According to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, however, INFICON as a service provider is not obliged to monitor transmitted or stored external information or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information under general law remain unaffected. Liability in this regard, however, is only possible from the date of the awareness of a specific legal violation. Upon notification of such violations, INFICON will remove this content immediately.

INFICON websites and apps may contain direct or indirect references to other websites or apps (hereinafter referred to as the "links") outside INFICON's area of responsibility. This Privacy Statement does not extend to such contents of other providers. INFICON declares that at the time the links were established, no illegal content was detected on the linked pages. INFICON has no influence on the current and future design, contents or authorship of the linked pages. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and in particular for damages resulting from the use or non-use of such information presented, only the provider of the website referred to is liable, not the party which refers to its particular publication via links.

Our Site and App contain material and contents associated with INFICON products and services. These contents include texts, data, graphics, logos, button icons, illustrations, audio and video clips, hyperlinks, digital downloads, software downloads and data compilations. All contents on our Site and App are owned by INFICON and are protected by copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights. If you reproduce contents contained on our Site or App with our prior permission, the corresponding copyrights or property rights of the source materials must be indicated on all copies. You are not permitted to alter, publicly display, publicly perform or disseminate these contents. The unauthorized use of contents contained in our Site or App may infringe copyrights, trademark rights and violate data protection regulations. INFICON and the INFICON logo are registered trademarks of INFICON Holding AG and may not be used without the written permission of INFICON. You may obtain a complete list of the trademarks held by INFICON upon inquiry at: All other trademarks on our Site are the property of their respective owners.

INFICON does not guarantee the timeliness, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against INFICON, which relate to material or immaterial damages caused by the use or non-use of the information presented, are excluded, unless INFICON has proven to be intentionally or grossly negligent.

INFICON expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the web pages or App or the entire website and/or App without a separate notice or to cease publication temporarily or permanently.


2. Collection and Processing of General Data and Information

When you visit our Site or App, our web server stores a range of general data and information in the log files of our server that is not of a personal nature, but is collected about your visit, including, for example, the pages you view, the features you use, the links you click and other actions you take in connection with our Site or App. The purpose of the foregoing is so that we can enhance the delivery of the contents of our Site and App in a manner that optimizes its utility and helps us deliver information to you. It also helps us to determine the effectiveness of our advertising, in addition to other internal business purposes. In addition, we use such general data to ensure the lasting functionality of our information technology system and the technology of our Site and App, and in the event of a cyber attack, to provide the regulatory authorities with the information needed for prosecution. 

All such general data and information is collected on an anonymous basis without identification to a particular user. Examples of such general data and information may include your (1) your mobile device (including the device’s unique device identifier), browser type and versions used, (2) your operating system, (3) the identity of the websites you visit immediately before coming to our Site, (4) the sub-websites which are controlled by a system accessing our Site, (5) the date and time of your access to our Site or App, (6) your computer’s Internet Protocol address (IP address) assigned to you by your Internet service provider, (7) mobile network information, and (8) other communication data and the resources that you use and access on or through our App or Website.

With the exception of your IP address, we do not require anyone to share any of their personal information with us in order to enjoy our Site or App. Personal data is only collected if you specifically and voluntarily provide it to us on our Site or App (e.g., as part of a registration, a survey, a prize competition, an information inquiry or the implementation of a contract).Storage of these data together with other personal data of the user does not take place.

The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 (1) (1) ( f) GDPR. INFICON's legitimate interest in data processing follows from the purposes listed above. In no case do we use the collected data for the purpose of drawing conclusions about you.

Furthermore, we use cookies and analysis services during visits to our website. Further details can be found in paragraphs 3, 10 and 11 of this Data Protection Statement.


3. Use of Cookies

Our Site uses and our App may use “cookies.” Cookies are small text files written by an Internet server that are stored in an Internet browser or by the Internet browser on a user’s computer system where information is exchanged between them. They are used by us in providing a more customized website or app experience. It is INFICON’s policy to use cookies to make navigation of our Site and App easier for our visitors and to facilitate easier registration procedures.

Some elements of our webpage require that the accessing browser can still be identified, even after changing pages. In the cookies (1) the language setting, (2) the items in a basket and (3) the log-in information are collected and transmitted.

Furthermore, we use cookies on our website to allow analysis of the users’ surfing patterns. This covers, for example, (1) the entered search terms, (2) the frequency of page views and (3) the use of website functions.

The legal basis for the processing of the personal data collected by cookies is in Art. 6 (1) (1) (b) GDPR (processing for the execution of a contract or pre-contractual measures), insofar as this relates to possible orders or other contractual relationships with INFICON (shopping cart, log-in), otherwise in Art. 6 (1) (1) (f) GDPR. The legitimate interest results from the purposes mentioned in the first paragraph above.

The user data collected this way are pseudonymized by means of technical precautions. Therefore, assignment of the data to the user is no longer possible. When stored, the data are not aggregated with other users’ personal data.

When visiting our Site or App, an information banner will inform you about our use of cookies for analytical purposes if applicable.

If you are concerned about cookies and do not want them placed on your computer or device, you can disable cookies on your browser before using our Site or App. You can find details in your browser instructions. Your use of our Site or App may be limited without the aid of cookies. 


4. Registration on Our Internet Website

On our Site and App, we may offer you the option to register with us by giving certain kinds of personal information. Registration in the input masks provided on our Site or App is required to keep specific contents and services available for use on our Site or App. If you choose to register with us, we collect only personally identifiable information that you voluntarily provide to us. Such personally identifiable information may include your name, company name, address, email address, and telephone and fax numbers that are needed to administer our business, allow you to utilize the full capabilities of our Site or App and to permit us to communicate information to you relative to our products and services that we believe may be of interest to you and our website visitors. By registering on our Site or App (1) your IP address, (2) the date, (3) the time of your registration and (4) the country from which you are registering are also stored.

The legal basis of this data processing is Art. 6 (1) (1) (a) GDPR. Registered individuals have the option to change the personal data provided or to have it deleted completely from the database at any time.

As part of the registration process, a user’s permission is obtained to process such data. Registered individuals have the option to change their personal data provided or to have it deleted completely from our database at any time.


5. Use of Personal Information and Purpose Limitation

We use your personal information for a number of purposes, including, technical administration of our Site and App, customer and prospective customer administration, for providing you with surveys and company information, as well as for marketing purposes to communicate with you.

We would like to inform you in the best possible way about our products and services and to request your opinion, where applicable. Of course, participation in such campaigns is voluntary.


6. Contact Option via the Website

A contact form is available on our Site and App, which can be used for making contact with us electronically. By means of the input mask, personal data including (1) your IP address, (2) the date and (3) time are transmitted to us on a voluntary basis and stored automatically for purposes of processing or making contact.

Alternatively, contact is possible via any e-mail address provided by you to INFICON. In this case, any personal data transmitted with the e-mail is stored. The data is then used exclusively for processing any contacts between us. The legal basis in this respect is Art. 6 (1) (1) (b) GDPR.

Again, INFICON does not disclose any such personal data to third parties except as expressly permitted herein.


7. Timeliness and Changes

We reserve the right to update or modify the terms of this Privacy Policy from time to time by publishing an updated version here. Therefore, we recommend that you check back frequently, especially before you submit any personal information to our Site or App, to see if this Privacy Policy has changed. By using our Site or App, you acknowledge acceptance of this Privacy Policy in effect at the time of use. 

Adopted in effect as of: May 2023

See our site privacy policy for further details and also information about our Data Controller and Data Protection Officer. 

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