FabTime Cycle Time Operating Curve Generator
Enter parameters for number of tools, arriving batch size, percentage of hot lots, process time, mean time between failures, downtime percentage, and system coefficients of variation for up to three scenarios

This spreadsheet-based calculator was created by Frank Chance and Jennifer Robinson. It displays operating curves for up to three scenarios, allowing you to get a quick visual impression of the impact of downtime, number of tools, hot lots, and variability attributes.
The curves are based on a queueing approximation that we first were shown many years ago by Ottmar Gihr of IBM Germany. The formula for system variation used in the spreadsheet was modified slightly on 11/12/01 to follow Equation 8.6 in the text Factory Physics, Second Edition, by W. J. Hopp and M. L. Spearman (with thanks to Mark Spearman for the suggestion!).
The spreadsheet has been modified and expanded several times since then, and is used extensively in the FabTime Cycle Time Management Course.”
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