Utility Monitoring

CMS5000 VOC Monitor

Know your water


Clean water is essential for life. As more chemicals are introduced to the environment, adverse consequences to water quality and corresponding health impacts will increase as well. In order to provide the highest level of safety and security, a fast response to water quality issues is necessary.

The CMS5000 is a GC-based system that autonomously samples VOCs in water, quantifies contaminant levels and automatically alerts users if thresholds are exceeded.


  • Saves labor and money with autonomous testing
  • Reduces frequency of regular outside lab analysis
  • Lowest cost of ownership
  • Less wasted time with limited maintenance and no sample prep
  • Easy integration and small footprint
  • Analyzes a wide range of EPA 8260 compounds
  • Ability to detect VOCs at very low levels (ppt)
  • Customized methods to suit your specific needs

Typical applications

  • Drinking water distribution systems
  • Source water protection
  • Wastewater discharge compliance
  • Groundwater remediation
  • Air quality monitoring


Power Requirements Universal 110-240 V (ac), 200 Watts maximum
16.9 x 32.7 x 10.2
43 x 83 x 26
5 to 45
41 to 113
Relative Humidity 5 to 95%
Download full specification


Part NumberDescription
070-122310 μl Syringe, 6 pack
935-734-G1Purge Tube Kit
935-375-P1Sample Collection Tube
935-212-G1Argon Fill Line
930-489-G14Standard Column, 30 m, DB-1, 0.32mm id, 4.0 um
935-753-G1Tri-Bed Concentrator
071-84219 Compound VOC Mix
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