
Headspace Sampling System

Performs Soil and Water Analysis On-Site, Decision-Quality Data On VOCs In Water, Wastewater, Soils And Solid Wastes


Headspace Sampling System enhances the capabilities of the HAPSITE Portable Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS) to provide highly accurate, on-site analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in soil or water. With its fast and easy sampling, the system ensures immediate results in the field for occupational and environmental health and safety decisions.

The HAPSITE Headspace Sampling System, controlled through the HAPSITE Portable GC/MS user interface, is ready to analyze samples in minutes. Its rapid sample throughput means no time is lost waiting for reports, enabling immediate decision-making and response, if required. Twenty to twenty-five samples can easily be analyzed in an eight-hour day.

The system provides results equivalent to running EPA method 8260 in a laboratory, but within minutes and without leaving the site. This virtually eliminates chain-of- custody and sample-contamination problems.

The HAPSITE Headspace Sampling System for the HAPSITE Portable GC/MS provides environmental testing professionals with powerful analysis and confirmatory results, ease of use, and economy under the broad range of field conditions. It saves time and money when used to support waste-site remediation and investigation, testing for worker exposure to toxic compounds in manufacturing facilities, emergency response, or regulatory compliance.


  • The only battery-operated headspace sampler for field use
  • Results comparable to EPA method 8260
  • Convenient inlet system for analyzing soil, water, and solid samples
  • Integrated with the HAPSITE data system
  • Modular, low-maintenance design for rugged environments
  • Uses standard VOA vials


Practical Quantitation Limit (toluene)µg/L5 with loop injection
Equilibrium Stabilization Timemin20
Oven Temperature Range Ambient to 80°C (176°F)
Spare Parts
Part NumberDescription
930-4062-G1Hapsite Battery
930-432-P6Canister, Carrier Gas, 6 each
930-432-P12Canister, Carrier Gas, 12 each
930-432-P24Canister, Carrier Gas, 24 each
070-1204Sample Vials, Headspace, Case of 100
931-702-G10Vial Needle Guide,Headspace,Quantity 10
071-748Chemical Kit, Performance/IS
930-4151-P1VX Conversion Pads, Headspace, 10 each
Part NumberDescription
930-734-G1Adapter Cable, RS232 to USB
931-406-P1Ship Case, Headspace
931-401-P3Transfer Line, 4 ft., HAPSITE
931-409-P2Transfer line, 6 ft., HAPSITE Smart/Plus
931-210-G1Transfer Line, 4 ft., HAPSITE ER
931-405-P1Transfer Line Foam, thin, 49in., HAPSITE
931-405-P3Transfer Line Foam, thin, 72in., HAPSITE
931-408-P1Transfer Line Foam thick, 49in., HAPSITE
931-408-P3Transfer Line Foam thick, 72in., HAPSITE
070-1545Pipe Insulation, 5/8 ID, 1/2 Thick, Slit
600-1131-P30Power Cable
070-1204Sample Vials, Headspace, Case of 100
931-702-G10Vial Needle Guide,Headspace,Quantity 10
071-748Chemical Kit, Performance/IS
930-4151-P1VX Conversion Pads, Headspace, 10 each


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