Gas Chromatographs

Micro GC Fusion® External Sample Conditioner

Maintains Sample Temperature and Reduces Pressure for Micro GC Applications.


High pressure samples, especially those containing contaminants, such as condensing aerosols, can be harmful to Micro GC Fusion. The External Sample Conditioner, or ESC, provides both a pressure reducing feature while maintaining the sample temperature at >50°C (122°F). This minimizes the introduction of contaminants and aerosols onto Micro GC Fusion.

Fast, Accurate Results

Combined with Micro GC Fusion, a sample can be analyzed in minutes, either on-site directly from the source or in a fixed setting such as a laboratory. Maintaining the temperature of the sample and filtering contaminants improves performance and repeatability, especially for wellhead natural gas applications.

Connect Quickly

The External Sample Conditioner uses a1/4 in. Swagelok quick connect fitting for fast easy sampling.

Easy Filter Replacement

Replacing the 7 µM filter can be done in minutes with the convenient filter door located on the left side of the sample conditioner.


  • Easily attaches to Micro GC Fusion
  • Side door for easy filter replacement
  • Use a quick connect fitting for easy sampling
  • Can be taken into the field for on-site sampling
  • Can be mounted to a fixed surface


Sample Inlet Connectionin.1/4 Swagelok female quick connect
Power Input V (ac)V (ac)85 to 264
Ambient Operating Temperature°F32 to 122
Max Sample PressurekPa5516
Min Sample PressurekPa14

Part Number

Spare Parts
Part NumberDescription
952-019-G1S Filter Element KitFilter element kit includes six 7 uM filters and one gasket
Part NumberDescription
033-0074S Power SupplyPower supply kit (includes one)
059-0808S Quick Stem ConnectorQuick stem connector kit for sampling (includes one)
059-0809S Bonnet Nut KitBonnet nut kit (includes 1)
144-374S M5 Wing Nut KitM5 wing nut kit (includes four)
952-018-G1S Tranfer Line KitTransfer line kit (includes one 1/16 in. sample transfer tubing with rubber insulation sleeve and 1/16 in. nuts and ferrules)
952-515-P1S - Filter Cover KitFilter cover kit (includes one)
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