Calibration Leaks

Calibration Leaks for Sensistor Industrial Hydrogen Leak Detectors

The Easy Way to Test and to Calibrate - For Maximum Accuracy


To be able to correctly accept/reject test objects you need to measure to a set standard. You also need to calibrate your leak detector against a reliable reference leak. INFICON reference leaks for Sensistor industrial hydrogen leak detectors cover a wide range of leak rates to suit your specific application and include bigger leaks (Types A-C) and smaller leaks (Types E and G). Leak Type A is intended for accumulation testing only.

All leaks are traceable to NIST, NMIJ, NPL, PTB, etc., through the Mutual Recognition Arrangement of the BIPM.


Types and Connections

A, B and C
Sintered stainless steel leaks
Target flow between 5x10-2 and 5x10-4 (Air)
E and G
Crimped metal capillary leaks
Target flow between 7x10-5 and 2x10-5 (5%H2/95%N2)


  • Suitable for industrial applications
  • Easy to use
  • Available in different leak rates
  • Traceable to NIST, NMIJ, NPL, PTB, etc.

Typical Applications

  • Test and Calibration of Sensistor Industrial Hydrogen Leak Detectors

Part Number

590-420Calibration Leak Type A, 5x10E-2 mbarl/s @1bar
590-421Calibration Leak Type B, 5x10E-3 mbarl/s @1bar
590-422Calibration Leak Type C, 5x10E-4 mbarl/s @1bar
590-427Calibration Leak Type E, 10g/a
590-429Calibration Leak Type G, 3g/a
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