Calibration Leaks

Calibration Leak with Checkport for Refrigerant Sniffer Leak Detector

The Easy Way to Test and to Calibrate - For Maximum Accuracy


산업 또는 제품 관련 무료 웨비나에 관심이 있으세요?

INFICON calibrated test leaks enable to test and to calibrate refrigerant sniffer leak detectors for the highest quality demands in leak detection. The handling of the test leaks and the calibration of the sniffer leak detectors is very easy. The function of these leaks is based on a special quartz capillary which is customized to deliver a specific reduced flow from a test gas reservoir.

INFICON provides a wide range of calibrated test leaks for refrigerant sniffer leak detectors in industrial enviroments. The test leaks are available in different leak rates and test gases.  


  • 산업 분야에 적합
  • 간편한 사용
  • 다양한 누출률 제공
  • DIN EN 10204:2004-3.1에 따라 검사 증명서 포함
  • PTB 증명서로 추적 가능
  • 석영 모세관의 프로필 덕분에 매우 정확하고 신뢰할 수 있음
  • 저온 의존성을 위한 무금속 모세관
  • 보충 가능

파트 넘버

12329Refrigerant Testleak R600a, 0,5-0,8 g/a (Checkport)
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